General Conditions
When discussing your vision it is worth noting that your ability to see continually changes as you age. Most infants are hyperopic (farsighted) and most adults are myopic (nearsighted). In between lies a broad spectrum for you to be in. Much of this has to do with the shape of your eye. The type of correction that you will need depends on the deviation of your eye. These deviations also determine whether you are a candidate for glasses, contacts, and/or surgical corrections for your vision.
Myopia (Nearsighted) –
In this condition, when you look at an object that is close to you it is clear but when you look at something far away it is blurry. Myopia usually begins around age 7 and can be seen many times when there is rapid growth. Frequently, routine vision screenings at school will show this condition. For adults, a problem with observing signs while driving, movie or TV screens, or events on the playing field may indicate myopia and a need for correction. Correction of this problem is usually with glasses, contacts, and/or laser vision correction.
Hyperopia (Farsighted) –
Hyperopia is the medical term for “farsightedness.” Hyperopia occurs when your eye is too short in relation to the curvature of your cornea. Light rays entering your eye focus behind the retina, producing a blurred image. Some farsighted people can use their focusing muscles to pull the image forward onto the retina, allowing them to see clearly. But others, who cannot overcome the effects of severe hyperopia, need reading glasses or bifocals.